An Easy Dish to Make

Hi guys...I realised that I write a lifestyle blog but I don't really share a lot about the meals we eat here in Trinidad and during this pandemic, eating at home is a must so I've decided to share one of the local dishes we eat here i Trinidad all the time and it's the easiest thing to bring to a get together. Everyone in Trinidad has eaten "Pelau". In some countries, from watching different documentaries I've know some countries have similar dishes but it's called by a different name. Brazil, Venezuela and I think Spain has a similar dish.

So let's get started...please note that I myself have never had to cook this dish, but my husband cooks a mean Pelau and my kids all know how to make it. Don't forget...I HATE TO COOK!!!. I 'll clean up after you...


  1. 2- 3 chicken pieces seasoned with salt, pepper, chives, thyme, garlic (chopped up small), parsley, 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp ketchup (or any other season you have at hand)

  2. 1 cups rice washed

  3. 2 cups coconut milk or water

  4. 1 large onion sliced

  5. 1 sweet pepper, chopped

  6. 1 cup pigeon peas or

  7. 1 tin pigeon peas, drained

  8. 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil

  9. quarter cup sugar

  10. salt & pepper to taste

  11. hot pepper sauce if desired


  1. Heat oil in a large iron pot or skillet

  2. Add sugar and allow to burn until dark brown

  3. Add the seasoned meat and stir until the pieces are well coated with the burnt sugar, let it mix in the browning for 5 minutes

  4. Stir rice into the browned chicken and turn often till well blended, cook for 3 minutes more

  5. Add onion, sweet peppers and peas and stir fry for a few seconds

  6. Add salt, pepper, coconut milk and/or water, bring to the boil, lower heat, cover and simmer until rice is cooked and all the liquid has evaporated (about 25 minutes).

  7. Add more liquid (water) if the rice is still hard and continue to cook longer. (Pelau can also be baked in a oven. Cover it with foil, place in oven and bake at 350 degrees fahrenheit for 30 minutes)

So that's it guys...hope you get a chance to try it. If you don't have pigeon peas then try the lentils or mixed vegetables in the tin, it won't taste as good as it does with pigeon peas but at this time you might not be able to get the kind of peas you want so we have to improvise.

Have a good time cooking and I'll check you in my next blog.

Stay safe and stay home. Love you all


Gail (Gafra)

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