GaFra's Art Site

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The Story of an Art Piece

Hi Guys..... this is one of my pieces. I wanted to give you an idea of the story behind some of my pieces, if you happened to take the time to visit my Art sites at or, you will see this piece. So what's the story behind this piece called "Gran Couva Huts"? Well, ever so often my husband and I go for a drive into a semi country area where there is this Estate or garden center that sells plants called La Vega. On the way you pass these huts that once formed part of an old plantation. The people who worked on this plantation lived in these huts. Even today there are still a few families that live in one or two of them.

I wanted to give you a preview into my art and what types of stories come along with them. For this piece, the huts themselves and how they looked captured my attention. They had a sense of history about them seeing as they are in Gran Couva, a place known for having the finest cocoa in the world. This is due to the soil type and the climate, converging to create a cocoa that makes the best chocolate ever! Trinidad is known for its amazing cocoa, whose quality is exquisite.

I work in Watercolour mainly but branched out into acrylic abstracts later in my painting journey. After taking the photo, I then rendered it  and maybe a few days later I start painting. I leave it to look at it for a few days to decide if it needs to be tweaked, then I'm done. I really enjoyed painting these huts as they are a part of Trinidad's history. We once had cocoa estates run by plantation owners and the workers lived in huts like these.

This is my watercolour painting representing those huts and how they appear to me, how I see them through my art eye. My method is a simple of of seeing something that is painterly, taking a photo at the angle I feel most comfortable with, doing a sketch back home, then start the process of painting. I may take a few days to paint one piece or complete in immediately, it depends on how i'm feeling at the time as well as what is happening at home. My studio...if you can call it that is a small space in the corner of a room we call the library and that is where i create.

gran couva huts

I know most of you who follow me aren't artist or may not even be creative but I believe we all have that ability but we may be afraid or just judgemental of ourselves so we don't try at all. You never know what you're capable until you try only then can you say...."OK I suck at this..."

 Art is a means to de-stress for me as well its one of my creative outlets. I need ways to cleanse me from the negative energies in my system as a result of coaching and hearing a lot of peoples' problems, hurts, insecurities, anger, challenges and more. Art is what I use to cleanse myself. Everyone has to find that activity that helps them clean up their aura or energy and re-energise them. Find what works for you as I did.


This piece is a watercolour painting of an abandoned hut  saw while spending a weekend at a place called Pawee. My Art class spent the weekend there and we did some hiking and painting. While tracking through what used to be a nutmeg and coffee estate we crossed rivers and streams and climbed some steep hills, at one such hill this hut appeared and we were told by our guide that is was once used to store the nutmeg when the estate was a thriving. What history and to me it stood out and I knew I had to take that photo and capture it via a painting.

Abandoned Hut


This piece is a watercolour painting of an Abandoned Pawee Hut in the Pawee Estate in Toco. I visited an Old Nutmeg Estate that also has some Cocoa plants, a Cocoa hut and a nutmeg storage hut and a hiking path. This is the nutmeg storage hut we saw as we hiked through the Estate. There was a lovely shallow river and so much more. We had a wonderful time there. I saw this old hut and it called to me and I did my usual. Took a photo, then a few days later rendered it and started painting and this is the end result. hope you like it, a piece of Trinidad, a piece of History.

So people put a hand to trying something creative that you feel comfortable with. You won't know how good you are until you try. So whether you're an Art Lover or not bye for now, we will chat again soon. OH !!! Also check out my Printable planners that I create, I think they are great but I made them . let me know what you think.